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Yes, we did it !!! Finally, after years of development (and collecting money), Mr. Lee is proud to present the original CatCam as series product. The idea that once started as a fun DIY project turned into a serious product. A lot of efforts went into it and we included a lot of ideas from the fellow CatCam users. Now we have the highly capable pet camera in our hands. Actually we started shipping already some months ago without big announcement in order to allow some field exposure before we tell it the big audience.
We want to thank all the early Catcam customers who made this possible. 100 percent of the money earned with the Catcam and CatTrack products went into development and production of this new version.

The completely new camera offers a 3 Megapixel image sensor and a display for easier configuration. It contains a rechargeable battery that will take up to 2000 images. The CatCam v3 not only takes images, it is also able to record short video clips. Product designer Hugo Rinsema helped us to shape the cameras enclosure to a very appealing design.


Mr. Lee CatCam Movie ! After a lot of TV reports Mr. Lee will make it into the cinema ! The film maker Seth Keal (Break Thru Films , NY) made a short documentary of the CatCam idea and Mr. Lee. The 15 minutes movie will be first shown at the SXSW film fest in Austin, Texas.
The official movie website is:
The SXSW entry:


Mr. Lee wishes all of you a Happy New Year 2012 ! In the meantime a lot of things happened (mostly behind the scenes). We introduced in 2011 the Video CatCam 3 and the CatTrack Live 3, both are very powerful products thanks to all the engineering efforts. Our CatCam products have made their way on to the Christmas gift guide of ARS Technica.
In 2012 we will introduce the long awaited new CatCam. More details on this will follow.
A short documentary film about Mr. Lee and the CatCam will probably also get released in 2012. This is the result of the visit of a film team one year back.


Mr. Lee's photos in the museum. The museum of Natural History Kassel (Germany) is featuring photos from Mr. Lee's trips as part of the special exhibition "Everything for the cat". The exhibition is open until October 18th.


We are proud to introduce the next generation of the CatCam: Video CatCam !
This device will record video clips for around 4 hours. The record time can be spread over several days. The camera has build in 4 GB memory and a rechargeable Lithium-Polymer battery. The size and weight are compareable to the regular CatCam. For video transfer and charging the camera is connected to the USB interface.
You will be surprised what kind of adventures your cat encounters. Share the best moments on YouTube.


The European TV station ARTE showed Mr. Lee in the movie they took in summer last year. He is among some other cat stories. Short description can be found here .


Mr. Lee CatCam donated 450 GBP (500 Euro / 650 USD) to the Pets As Therapy charity. This was the result of a deal with Jessica Bavinton from London/UK who has started an interesting project called Views Beyond The Catflap. We donated from every CatCam sold to the UK a certain percentage.

The groups website with exhibition information:

2009 CatCam Calendar website: Beyond The Cat Flap Calendars!

Pets As Therapy website:


Mr. Lee and his CatCam

With the facelift of the web pages, the original photo from Mr. Lee with the prototype version of the CatCam was removed from the main menu. Mr. Lee got a lot of comments about this picture as it was published world wide. The comments ranged from "Thats the biggest cat I have ever seen" to "my cat wants to get babies from Mr. Lee". To keep this picture in honor, I moved it here.


VistaQuest introduced a new version of the VQ1005. It can be distinguished from previous versions by a larger lens hole. The internals has changed completely. This drove us to update the DIY kit instructions.
I am disappointed about this change: the optical performance dropped significantly (noise, sharpness, colors), runtime issues are not solved, price stays the same.


Cat owner Jessica Bavington was so enjoyed about the CatCam that she started a project on her own to raise money for the carity "Pets as Therapy". The result of the project is an exhibition of pictures taken by cats as well as a photo calendar featuring pictures of various CatCam photographs.
Mr. Lee Pet Technologies is donating 5% of United Kingdom sales.

More about the project: Views Beyond the Catflap.


Because of recent additions there is a new revision of the CatCam user manual available:
CatCam User Manual English - Update 26. August 2008
CatCam Benutzerhandbuch Deutsch - Update 26. August 2008

Some people have it already recognized that the battery status display shows always a full battery. The manufacturer switched to a new hardware version and with this the runtime dropped drastically. This made a modification to the battery monitor necessary.


We switched to a new shopping system. The old Order Form will be still available for people who do not have Javascript and Cookies.
Next step is the implementation of Google Checkout.


Finally ! The name CatCam is now successfully registered as a trademark. Now CatCam is allowed to carry the addition ®.

       05-June-2008 Visit for Mr. Lee ...

Mr. Lee had a 2 day visit from a camera team of Arte (european cultural TV). He enjoyed the attention and got not tired leading the camera team at 95F though the forrest to show his favorite places. The article will be on air around Christmas in the form of a documentation about the life of cats.

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